Get your license

There are three classes of amateur licenses issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The entry level is the Technician License, followed by the General Class License, and the top level Extra Class License. Study guides are available, both written, and on-line. The national organization for amateur radio is the Amateur Radio Relay League – and they have manuals for sale at this link. You can find online courses as well. This link will take you to one.

Great news! If you have thought about getting your Amateur Radio License, you can take your license exam – at home – for all three license classes. No going to a strange place to get your next license. None of the distractions. Try sitting in easy chair and taking your exam.

I am a Volunteer Examiner and I am associated with the W5YI group of examiners. The local club I belong to is the Soda Springs Repeater Association (SSRA). A large number of the SSRA members are Volunteer Examiners, ready to help you succeed with your exam for the next stage in your in amateur experience. Please check out SSRA on line at for more information, or on Facebook.

Many of the options we offer include using the WiresX, echo link, contacting the International Space Station, participating in the Annual Field Day, and emergency communication. We offer opportunities with launching weather balloons and many more enjoyable activities.